
1) Quantifiers are words and phrases which we use when we talk about quantities that are countable (a few, many, twenty) or uncountable (a little, much)

We use some quantifiers ( a few, many) only with plural nouns

a) There are many occasions when seat belts save lives, yet a few drivers still won’t wear them.

2) We use ‘each, every’ only with singular countable nouns.

a) Each person has to take a card.

b) Every card has a different number.

3) We use ‘a little, much’ only with uncountable nouns.

a) I think the soup needs a little salt.

b) I hope there isn’t too much traffic.

4) We can use the quantifiers ‘all, every, no’ with numbers before nouns.

a) All eleven players were tired.

b) We get a bill every three month.

c) No two people are the same.

5) We can use quantifiers with ‘of’ before determiners.

a) Two of the students were late.

b) Take any of these chairs.

c) Some of my friends got ill.

6) We can use quantifiers with ‘of’ before pronouns.

a) Two of them were absent.

b) You can’t take any of those.

c) Some of us felt really tired.

7) We can use quantifiers with ‘of’ before proper nouns as place names.

a) Most of Europe will have sunny weather tomorrow.

8) We usually put ‘of’ between a quantifier and a determiner, but we can omit ‘of’ after ‘all, both, half’.

a) All of these books are old. — All these books are old.

b) Both of his sons play rugby. – Both his sons play rugby.

9) We can use ‘every one’ and ‘none’ before ‘of-phrases’ or as pronouns.

a) Every one of my friends had a mobile phone, but none of them called me.

b) Is there no sugar? – There’s none.

c) Did you check every container? —  I checked every one.

Some, any


1) We use some and any with plural countable and uncountable nouns to talk about an indefinite number or amount.

a) Some students don’t get any homework.

b) I have some seashells.

2) We use ‘some’ in positive sentences

a) Some tress stay green all year.

b) We have some friends in Rome.

c) Let’s get some strawberries.

3) We use ‘some’ in questions or offers expecting positive answers.

a) Did you get some new furniture?

b) Can I borrow some paper?

c) Would you like some tea?

4) We use ‘some’ when we want to talk about in a vague about a large number or amount.

a) It will take some time to recover

b) I havan’t seen him for some years.

5) We use ‘some’ to talk about an approximate number or percentage.

a) That was some twenty years ago.

b) Some fifty percent of working women don’t want children.

6) We use ‘some’ when we want to talk about a person, place or thing whose identity is unknown.

a) Now he lives in some village in Wales.

b) There was some woman here asking about you.


1) We use ‘any’ in sentences with a negative element.

a) We never have any free time

b) He denied any mistakes.

c) I can’t drink any milk.

2) We also use ‘any’ in questions when no specific answer is expected.

a) Do Mr and Mrs Young have any children?

b) Is there any food left?

c) Are there any questions?

3) We use ‘any’ in if-clauses.

a) If there are any problems, give me a call

b) I asked her if she had any money.

4) We use ‘any’ when we mean, “it doesn’t matter which one”

a) Any doctor knows that.

b) Call any time on Saturday.

No, none

1) We can use ‘no’ and ‘none’ to emphasize ‘not any’

a) There are no farm left. There are non left.

2) We use ‘no’ before subject nouns.

a) No explanation was given

b) No dogs are allowed.

3)  We use ‘no’  before singular and plural nouns

a) They had no television and no video games

4)  We use ‘none’ with of-phrases.

a) None of them wanted to go.

b) I had six phone messages, but none of them from Mr. Blake.

Half and whole

1) A pint is more than half a litre. We’ll be there in half an hour

2) Get a half litre if you can. A half hour should be long enough.

3) I can’t eat half of it.

4) The whole area has changed. I can’t eat the whole pie. The woman told us her whole life story.

5) I spent the whole of this past weekend in bed. The strike is affecting the whole of France.

Each and every

1) We use each when we are talking about two or more people or things separately.

a) Each day is better than the last.

b) He came in with a cup in each hand.

c) Each of her toenails was a different color.

d) Each of you must work alone.

e) Give a pen to each of them

f) We each got one piece.

g) We were each given one piece.

2) We use every when we are talking about three or more people or things together.

a) Every window was broken.

b) The Browns go to London every year.

3) We use every when we want to emphasize as many/as much as possible.

a) He had every opportunity to complete the work

b)  we wish you every success in your new job.

4) We use every when we talk about something happening at regular intervals.

a) There is a bus every ten minutes.

b) Take two tablets every fourhours.

5) We use every after almost and nearly.

a) His team has lost almost every game.

b) We run nearly every day.

Either and neither.

1) We use either and either of to talk about ‘one or the other’ of two people or things.

a) Either parent can sign the form.

b) You can go either way – left or right.

c) Either of the parents can sign.

d) I’d be happy with either of them, Coke and Pepsi.

2) We use neither/neither of when we mean ‘not one and not the other’ of two people or things.

a) Neither parent has signed that.

b) Neither of the boxes was big enough.

c) Neither of us likes coffee.

d) I’m sorry but neither of kids are up yet.

e) So, do neither of them want to go with us?

Much and many

1) We use many/much in formal situations

When we talk about a large number or amount in a specific way we use many of/ much of. We use many of before determiners, plural nouns and plural pronouns. We use much of before determiners, uncountable nouns or singular pronouns.

a) Many of their customers have complained.

b) Many of them have started going to other shops.

c) How much of your time is devoted to research? Not much of it/

2)  We use much of with singular countable nouns for places when we mean a large part of.

a) I can spend much of the day asleep.

b) It will be a dry sunny day over much of Britain.

3) We can use many after determiners.

a) I’m just one of her many admires.

b) He explained the many rules and regulations they had.

4) We can use many before a/an in formal situations.

a) He had spent many an uncountable night in cheap hotel.

Most and more

1) We can use more of and most of before determiners

a) I’ve already eaten more of the cake than I should.

b) Most of those bananas were rotten.

2) We can use more of and most of before pronouns

a) I really liked it, but I can’t eat any more of it.

b) I had to throw most of them away.

3) We can use more of and most of before proper nouns.

a) I hope to see more of Spain during my next trip.

b) Most of Venice is under water.

 (a) Few and (a) Little

1)  We use not many, and not very much to emphasize a negative view of the quantity.

a) They don’t have many possessions.

b) They don’t have much hope.

2) We use the fewest and the least when we talk about the smallest number or amount.

a) Ali made the fewest mistakes.

b) Nick has the fewest worries.

c) You complain that you make the least money here, but that’s because you do the least work.

Fractions and Percentages

1) Fractions and Percentages with singular or uncountable nouns have singular verbs. With plural nouns they have plural verbs.

a) Two-thirds of the report is written.

b) About twenty percent of the students are Asian.